Ladys Vocabulary



A named individual.

Bibliographic Resource (dcterms:BibliographicResource)
Specification (doap:Specification)
Same As
S·I·O·C (ladys:(SIOC))

Building on the work of F·O·A·F and Awol, the Semantically‐Interlinked Online Communities vocabulary, or S·I·O·C, aims to provide a metadata model for the social internet. Unlike newer, more narrowly‐scoped vocabularies, S·I·O·C explicitly aimed to model everything from forums to microblogs to wikis to bookmarks collections to events calendars.

Understanding that not every application would necessarily need to understand all of the terms that S·I·O·C provided, it was split into several modules, each with a different name·space. The list of modules is as follows :⁠—